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Dynamic & Contemporary Mat

Fascia in Focus

These dynamic classes focus on a blend of muscle and fascial training (myofascial training).

All Dynamic & Contemporary mat classes are held at:
Unit 8, Roper Close, Canterbury, CT2 7EP

The sequences are taught on the mat and incorporate slow and focussed exercises which alternate with rhythmic and energetic moves, thus improving flow, dynamic stability, co-ordination and flexibility.

The use of small balls is often incorporated to specifically apply pressure and self-massage for those areas of deep tension. These classes blend techniques and exercises from contemporary Pilates, yoga and other body-mind modalities.

The long-term training goals are to optimise movement efficiency, dynamic stability and functional strength and to also enhance elasticity and glide within the tissues. Standing exercises are incorporated to challenge balance and strength as well as foot to core stability, both of which enhance posture and the ability to walk efficiently. As an upright species we need to be aware of the importance of our feet and how they affect the rest of our posture.

These classes are not suitable for beginners to Pilates due to their dynamic nature, but once you have completed a year of Pilates mat classes you might want to consider these as the next step.

£18 per class – sold as a course.

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